SALLY S RAMAGE, BA(Hons), MBA,MPhil, DA, IPA, ASLS 30th May 2022

We never gave up on Justice for the takin of your young life Professor Daniel Markel. The Court in Tallahassee has recently found Ms. Katherine Magbanua GUILTY of First Degree murder; conspiracy to murder etc . at a retrial from April to May 2022. It as been eight years since those people killed you for sheer selfishness and immature hatred . Your ex-brother-in-law millionaire Charles Adelson has been detained in jail since last month on the suspicion of the same offences that his ex-girlfriend Katherine Magbanua has now been convicted of. The net is closing on those EVIL people and we rejoice that Justice is making progress. However the murder of a law professor, just 41 years old, a loving father of his two young sons, will never-can never-be soothed even by justice-unless the chief criminal in this party receives the death penalty- to deter anyone else from even considering such a heinous criminal offence. Because homicide is considered to be among the most serious of crimes, generating considerable media, public and political concern, police response to homicide is n important barometer of their effectiveness. Tallahassee Police have proved their worth in gold, undertaking such painfully lengthy, meticulous, careful analysis of all the millions of words they had to comb through. Those who thought this would be forgotten have been mistaken, especially your ex, after all you did to help her. May Almighty God protect your sons, your parents, and the rest of your family. Almighty God is Great and blesses those who love God.